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Success Attraction suc·cess: (n.) The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted |
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Secret To Getting Anything? | |
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Why Success is a Science
My studies of the highly successful prove that they continually achieve their results by doing "certain things in a certain way." I have also found that "like causes produce like effects." Therefore, if you and I consistently employ the same thought processes and actions of these highly-successful individuals, we must produce the same results. This is why success is an absolute science. If you apply the principles (thoughts and actions) of peak performers, you will accelerate your sales and life results far beyond your current level of achievement. Put it to the test. In his best-selling book, Psychocybernetics, Dr. Maxwell Multz talks about our daily actions being the direct result of our habits. Since your actions are the cause of your results, it is fair to assume that your habits are what ultimately create the results you obtain. Habits are the things you and I do naturally and automatically, without thinking. These habits have been conditioned at a very early age and are now collected in our unconscious mind. According to Multz, if you want to change your results, you must begin to form new habits. In other words, you must change the things you do automatically. Your current thinking regarding your abilities, your product and your industry is habitual -- and we call that programming. This programming is buried in your unconscious mind, and it drives your behavior on a daily basis. These programs, or mindset, came from outside sources and we often accept them without question. Many times our mindset contains lack and limitation because a parent, teacher, coach, or another person we respected wanted to protect us from disappointment. They told us to "be realistic," "don't expect too much," "life is hard" and many other disempowering beliefs. The moment you accept their programs, they drive your behavior and often limit your results. Following are the first steps in building the habits of a top sales performer. Habits that will drive massive action and create incredible results! Make it one that you are excited about accomplishing. The human spirit will not invest itself in mediocrity -- so if you want to succeed in overcoming limiting habits, your goal must create passion! As you set your goal, two things are important: it must be specific and measurable. Write "I am making $70,000" versus "I want to make more money." When your goal is measurable you will know exactly when it is accomplished. This will cause you to fully associate to the achievement of your goal. Your unconscious mind is totally deductive, and therefore, it accepts anything that your conscious mind gives it without question. Consequently, correct phrasing is imperative. Write your goal as "I am so happy that I earn a minimum of $70,000 per year" versus "I want to earn $70,000 per year." Write your goal as if you already have it right now. Remember, you are developing habits of the highly successful -- new ways of thinking and acting. Therefore, if you get tired, or you find yourself thinking this step is redundant, realize that it has taken years to create your current programming and it will take concentrated effort for it to be replaced. In other words, ask yourself the question "What decision would I make right now or what action would I take right now as a $70,000 income earner?" When you answer the question -- act! If you act based upon your current status you will continue to create your current results. Any time you experience frustration with these action steps, realize that it is caused by your old programming trying to push you back into old behaviors. The mark of a master is the person who has the ability to give themself a command -- and then follow it! Commit to these 4 steps for 30 days. I promise it will make a positive impact on your sales and life results. James Arthur Ray is a best-selling author, leading entrepreneur and wealth-building expert. He has helped thousands of individuals and organizations build true Harmonic Wealth? to accelerate their personal and business growth. For more information, please visit http://www.ThePowerToWin.com.
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10 Universal Principles of Success Success is not something that only a chosen few can achieve. Everyone can be successful in every area of his or her life. You just need to know how to do things in such a way as to make sure you succeed every time. Success comes as a result of forming certain habits, and continuing in them. Consistency is key. To succeed, you need to be a certain type of person. Don't be discouraged if you are not yet that type of person. With practice, anyone can become a successful person. The successful person thinks in a certain way, talks in a certain way, and acts in a certain way. The list below briefly outlines 10 of those ways (and a bonus tip!). Anyone who consistently applies these principles to any area of their life *will* experience success in that area. Dont Listen To Successful People Do you know what the problem is with asking successful people for advice? They don't always know why they are successful - but they'll give you all the reasons you want. I once watched an 100-year-old man explain that smoking every day was the secret to his longevity. It would be great to know why he lived so long, but I'm pretty sure we won't learn by asking him. 5 Key Ways to Attract Abundance and Prosperity When you hear the words "abundance" and "prosperity", what immediately comes to mind?Is it money, fulfilling relationships, a lovely house to live in, peace of mind, a career/vocation that expresses your gifts? Principles Of Success Succinctly said, success is harmony. When the result is congruent with the ideal, success has been achieved. When the thought germinates and ripens to produce the consequence desired, victory is accorded. Create A Realistic Plan For Your Success Success is the most desired ambition of the human beings. Every one of us wants to be successful. But only few endeavor towards that purpose consciously whereas others rely on luck and chance to achieve their goals. Making the Right Decisions The ability to make good decisions is an essential step in becoming a good leader. Don't try to make decisions unless you know all the facts and risks involved. The safest way to weigh your decisions is to put them through a checklist that covers pertinent information. The Imposter Syndrome - Do You Feel Like a Fraud? There is a disquieting trend emerging among women particularly - that of feeling like a fraud at work, along with the accompanying fear and anxiety about being "found out". Think Yourself To Success -- The One Pager Shortcut Series -- The Secret Key (Part 1): An Overwhelming Purpose Imagine that you are in a dimly-lit room. You don't know how you ended up here, but you are now in it and you are trying to find your way out of it. You see a door to your right side and walk up towards it. Right before your eyes, the top corner of the door starts to get blurry and you can see something like letters starting to materialize. It's not clear at first, but suddenly the words are sharp and vivid and it reads "SUCCESS". Pushing the door open doesn't work and it feels like it's stuck. You try to push it some more and it still doesn't open. You start to move your hands on the door to see whether there is a knob that you can turn. As you are feeling your way on the door, you realize that there is a lock. Success is something you truly want to achieve and it's right there on the other side of the door. You now need the key. Panic sets in and you frantically crawl around the room looking for the key to this door you need to get through. After what seems like hours you sit down in the corner mourning your misfortune. Reaching into your pocket for your handkerchief to wipe off your sweat, you feel something in your pocket. It feels like a?.. Yes! Yes! It is the key! You are now secure and the only thing between you and success is the action that you need to take to put the key into the lock, turning it, and then walking through the door. Build Rapport Through Buzzwords What if I told you that you could be more influential and powerful and all you'll have to remember one simple thing? To persuade your people, all you have to do is: "Cook their favorite meal before they're hungry..." Life 101 For the Young and Young at Heart! Book Excerpt Lesson 1. Category Well Being Plan to do this. Do You Really Want To Be Successful In Life? How many times have people asked you what you really want out of life ? and how many times has your reply been: "I want to be successful in life!" The Opportunity Clock When I was in college, I heard someone say something that has been with me ever since. It was something that demonstrated to me a positive attitude and the choice to take something that most people dread, and change it into a motivating factor. Perseverance Lead To Walt Disneys Greatest Success! When you are in business every person you hire gets paid before you do and it may take years, even decades before you see a payoff. That was certainly the case with Walt Disney who spent his whole working career dealing with tough-minded bankers, demanding stockholders and difficult employees, not that Walt himself was always a ball of sunshine. But through his travails when Disney had a dream he understood the perseverance needed to carry it through. How To Reverse Engineer Your Success The best and fastest way to learn how to make moneyon the Internet is to buy the marketing books ofsuccessful web marketers. You can find a selection ofmarketing books at these sites: Personal Development Legend Jim Rohn Turns 70 and Still Going Strong Jim Rohn, noted leader and speaker in the personal development industry, recently celebrated his 70th birthday in international style - 21 birthday cakes in 15 different cities. Step Up To Success Sometimes it is better to just get on with doing something rather than thinking and planning for too long. Posture Yourself for a Promotion Sit up straight! You may recall hearing those words as a child. Perhaps a teacher or a parent would utter those words to you on a regular basis. It was so much easier to slouch and perhaps it still is. Your new image, however, begins with how you feel about yourself. Studies have shown there is a direct correlation between your posture and how you think and feel about yourself and your environment. What Do You Feed Your Mind? "The mind grows by what it feeds on." J. G. Holland Glimpsing Your Personal Heaven In my private practice for the past 13+ years I have discovered how hungry we are to find deep fulfillment and loving, make wise choices for ourselves and the planet, and walk in union with our higher guidance. ![]() |
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