suc·cess: (n.) The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted

Success Information

Dealing with Difficult People--Go Ahead, Rain on My Parade

?And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.?--Jerry Chin

How To Deal With Change

It is often said that the only things in life that are inevitable are death and taxes. Well, you can add a third item to the things that are inevitable, and that is change. And change is happening faster than at any time in human history.

A Gold Medal in Love

Five-time gold medal-winning figure skater, Jenny Kilmer, has won the women?s Olympics since she was 16. At 36, she is attempting to win her sixth straight gold medal. Kilmer has been blessed to have such fame and fortune with sporting equipment endorsements and TV contracts. She has gotten everything that he has set out to get, except for one thing: love.

Failure IS an option.

I wrote an article on this very subject, with the same title a few years ago. And? it was a pretty decent article if I do say so myself!

Motivation By Desire

Many of us have lost sight of what we really desire in life. We probably need to remind ourselves of the importance of rediscovering our desires and regaining the spark which makes life worthwhile.

Elements of Success

There are twelve necessary elements involved in achieving success:

Can You Think Your Way To Riches?

I am going to tell you something you already know but actively ignore. 90% of the time, 90% of what you think is complete and utter drivel, useless background chatter, and recycled subconscious tape loops.

The 5-Minute Success Strategy - Transform Your Behavior Easily and Painlessly

Recently, I coached a young woman whom I?ll call Mary about how to make critical lifestyle changes. Mary had always struggled with her weight. She had no control over her eating and she could not maintain a consistent exercise program. That?s when I suggested that Mary try the 5-Minute Success Strategy to help her overcome her problem behavior. The beauty of this strategy is that you can use it both to eliminate an unwanted behavior and establish a desired one.

The Role of Failure in Success

Does the thought of failure send a cold shiver down your spine? Failure is the thing most of us spend the greatest amount of energy trying to avoid. What is failure?

Success Takes Practice

As a speaker and trainer, people often approach me after one of my programs to tell me how excited they are about the strategies they have learned and how they plan to put these ideas into action. When I connect with these people later on and ask how the techniques are working for them, I usually get answers such as ?I really planned to use them but then things got so crazy that I never had the chance.? or ?I tried them once and wasn?t successful so I gave up.?

Achieve Success Now - What Are You Waiting For?

Are you ready to finally realize your dream? I?m talking about the desire that you carry deep down inside of you that you attribute to some adolescent fancy. It?s the dream that isn?t practical and can?t possible be fulfilled. Well, it is possible to fulfill it and the time to do so is now.

Success Without Excuses

If we hope to achieve any worthwhile goal it will be necessary to throw out the excuses. The excuses usually do not deceive others but they may well deceive ourselves.

How Do You Spell Success

A person who is illiterate can look at a word without knowing what it means. Perhaps he can recognize the shape of some of the letters; perhaps she even knows that certain of these shapes are representative of certain sounds; still, the veil cannot be pierced.

The Most Under Rated Method To Achieve Success!

The most under rated method to achieve success is: The power of Visualisation. The best kept secret of success on the sports field and in athletics is: The power of Visualisation. The situation where the mind is in charge of the body. Athletes and other sportspersons constantly use the power of thought to change their lives. To bring them success. When all else is equal the master card is: the power of your mind. Your mind is the most under rated method to achieve success.

Number One Killer Of Could-Have-Been Success Stories


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