suc·cess: (n.) The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted

Success Information

Trusting The Higher Self

As very few people achieve enlightenment in one lifetime, as the both the subconscious mind, which has a drive to destroy and the conscious mind are very resistant to suggestions from the Higher Self. This is because messages from the Higher Self mostly manifest as gut feelings and hunches and the "orders" often are often perceived by the conscious mind to be irrational or impossible to attain. However, if you live by the belief that we live in a universe where there is a supply for every demand than nothing in theory nothing is impossible to attain. When you find yourself in a hopeless situation I find repeating the mantra "With God all things are possible. Spirit is never too late!"

Grow Rich With Your Thought

Our brain is a marvelous creation. It receive and transmit information like a wireless phone. Our thought are made of wave. We call that brain wave. It is around 10 to 40 cycle per second when we are awake.

Swotting for Success

Not so long ago, I impressed the daylights out of a friend, by showing him his face on my PC's screen. As I tapped away at the minus key, the picture slowly zoomed-out, revealing that it was a picture of the two of us, and it soon became clear where the picture was taken. As I continued to zoom out, more details came into view; the picture was actually a small part of a scanned photograph of the two of us sitting by my desk, watching the monitor. The photo was merely lying on the desk when the high-resolution picture was taken.

Price of Success

We?re all adults, and most of us probably like to think that we?re fairly well-informed when it comes to basic life wisdom. We?re familiar with the benefits of a bird in the hand over two in the bush, we know the risks of putting all our eggs in one basket, and of course we?d never dream of judging a book by its cover. Right?

Enroll in Car College - Learn Whilst Youre On The Move

One of the most overlooked opportunities for learning and personal growth is the time we spend in our cars. There really isn't much we can do safely in our car but drive. I know I see people doing all kinds of things such as curling their hair, putting their makeup on and talking on the telephone. All of those things are distracting. There is something we can do in our cars to make any commute worth the time. That is what I call Car College - otherwise known as listening to some form of audio.

If Youre Not Ready - Dont Start!

There are times when we feel we should take action, but feel stuck or unsure. Action does assist with moving forward, but the first question to ask is "Am I ready?". We might be willing and able, but if we are not ready we will have a false start. We will sabotage ourselves.

People Are Who They Want To Be

Choice isn't always a matter of being able to choose what happens to us. Life happens, and often without any say from us. However, our circumstances do not determine who we become. Only we have the choice to determine that. Everyone is who he or she wants to be, regardless of what one might think. We all have choices and each choice leads to the creation of who we are.

10 Critical Success Clues

I don't need to be a gypsy fortune teller to tell your fortune. I can tell with a 95% certainty whether or not a person is (or is going to be) successful.

Do You Deserve Success?

Deep down, where it counts, many people do not believe that they deserve success. They do not think that they are worthy of success. And they may be right.

7 Dynamic Strategies for Creating a Life that Works

Everyone wants a life that works effectively, whether that means harmonious relationships, a happy family life, a successful career, or the achievement of an important mission. People with successful lives take certain actions consistently.

Advance Your Enthusiasm and Determination for Success

Imagine being firmly committed to your deepest ambitions. Imagine feeling energetic and enthusiastic about your relationships, career, and all the things you want. Envision a future as bright and promising as any you have ever imagined.

Principles Of Success

Succinctly said, success is harmony. When the result is congruent with the ideal, success has been achieved. When the thought germinates and ripens to produce the consequence desired, victory is accorded.

Do You Really Think So?

It's not new news. It's not some ethereal theory. It's not a fanciful philosophy without any direct application to your day-to-day life. It is the single most important piece of knowledge possessed by humanity. It is the primary cause behind your success or failure in life.

Thinkers are Achievers

It has been truly said, and history confirms, that the growth of the United States is due more to independent creative thinkers than to scholars and statesmen. We seldom consciously think about it, but we all share that unique capacity to THINK and are born with a potential of greatness that exceeds our wildest imagination.

Dare to Dream...and Dream Big

Dare to Dream~

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