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Success Attraction suc·cess: (n.) The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted |
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Secret To Getting Anything? | |
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Five Principals for Prosperity
Many years ago, forty to be exact, I started my own business at the tender age of nineteen. The street markets in and around Manchester England was my happy hunting ground. Every day was an adventure and despite the weather and difficulties of getting a stall on the street market, life was always fun and enjoyable. There was always some comical incident, even when I had to stand in the pouring rain, with no customers in sight. And if there was no amusing event to focus on I created one and made other people laugh. Within a few years my business progressed and I opened a wholesale textile company. I went on to become a very successful businessman not only making money in my original business, but also in commercial property and the stock market. I retired from the business world forty-six years of age. After a six year, time-out period, so that I could understand why I was successful with no effort, I reinvented myself and became...... An author, poet, philosopher, motivational/inspirational/financial speaker, radio show host, director, producer and many other labels, within the past five years. How was all this achieved with not a mention of the word "work" in my vocabulary.....Well, you see, I just enjoy everything I am doing and if it is enjoyable, how can a class it as work? When I read the headlines in the newspapers describing the corruption and scandals in large and small corporations I wonder why the executives had to lie and cheat to earn money? It is far easier and less risky to make money the honest way, so why do people do things the hard way and end up in disgrace?
In life there is always an easy way and a hard way to do everything so how about I share with you five principals of business that cannot fail. As we climb the ladder of success there are many other folks on higher rungs who may try to kick us down. There are also those who have not got on the first rung yet who will try and pull us down. So how do we cope in a modern day world of hungry hounds eager to get their hands on as much money as possible any way they can? Levy's Five Principals for Prosperity Principal Number One. Enjoyment. We should understand the world does not owe us a living. We will succeed or fail by the amount of Joy we have for the project we will call our work. The number one ingredient is enthusiasm and commitment for the job in hand. We have to understand that very few things will go in the direction we desire and the more we practice our skills, the luckier we will become. We manufacture our own luck and to recognizing opportunities is the key to success. Every viewpoint, in every business day, has to be explored. Never say no to anything until we have examined every possibility and outcome. Even if we find that it is not what we desire, we leave the door open for future development. If we are only interested in what we can get out of any action of the moment, we are doomed for failure. Principal Number Two. Giving A key ingredient in a successful venture is giving rather than taking. In other words give the best and you will receive the best. If you do not have the ability to give the best, keep on trying different approaches until you can give the best. Whatever you give you will get back in abundance. There are those who have achieved money and status by devious means. They may have all the trappings of the luxury lifestyle, but they do not possess the clear mind to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Therefore, they are not a success to themselves. All the stresses and strains of cheating will one day manifest into an illness. You can mislead other people but you cannot lie to your immune system. So, it pays big dividends to give others a helping hand up the ladder of success. Principal Number Three. Overcome Adversity. Enjoy the failures more than the successes. Understand there is no such thing as failure. Each lesson learnt, is a lesson gained. Just don't keep making the same mistakes. Everything is a gain, gain situation. Negative people are our stepping stones to wealth. The more they tell us it can't be done, the more energy they give us to get the job done successfully. Adversities are sent to test our resolve. Become a good hurdler and learn how to jump over them. If we require an answer to a difficult problem we need to solve this is what we do. We ask any questions we need to solve, a few minutes before we go to sleep and then forget about it. We then go into a sound, deep sleep. The next morning on awakening we may get an idea from out-of-the-blue that solves the issue. If not that morning, then it may take more time to solve. Ask the question every night until the matter resolves itself. Principal Number Four. Debt free It is far better to walk before we can run. We must not pile up too much debt. If we cannot afford something then we work a little harder and longer until we have the funds to expand. I know this is not the modern way of thinking and there are always exceptions to the rule, but being debt free sure makes for 'Peaceful Sleep.' Being 'Under Pressure' to pay bills is no way to live. Our purpose is to enjoy life and our labor must be a labor of love without demands. Principal Number Five Enjoy Endurance. Remember the three P's Patients Persistence, Perseverance. If we trust in our 'True Self' then we cannot fail. As long as we are enjoying our business activities in the same way as we enjoy our leisure, success is assured. If it takes a few years more than we thought to achieve our goal, then so much the better, because we have more time to gain extra experience.... It will allow for more time for you to exhibit to people that you are trustworthy and reliable. Integrity cannot be bought, therefore once you gain authentic credibility, everything else you do eases into its appropriate space. It will eventually mean other business people will regarded us as an expert in your field of proficiency. You have mastered time and space. With the five principles for prosperity deposited into your memory banks you are ready to build new bridges. Networks with all the new and innovative companies in your field. We are constantly entering new areas of Hi-Technology. Business today needs new innovation and leadership to succeed. This is year 2004 and new dimensions of thought are need for success. Therefore, it is more important then ever to project the five principles of prosperity. You will also need to understand how to overcome and eliminate worry and anxiety. It is essential to find inner peace and harmony to relieve the burdens of stress. By allow our minds the freedom of silence that transcends to higher dimensions, we will find infinite possibilities. Our potential for success is only limited by what we think we know. That type of limitation can cause great pressure, therefore we require an objective detachments from outside events we cannot control. What we can only execute what we are able to perform and what seems impossible at one moment, we can do at another appropriate moment. When we open our imagination (image-maker), we open the doorway to success. Every human mind has a wormhole in the deepest section of the brain that can take the minds thoughts into what Einstein called the 'Creative Mind of God.' Einstein declared, he wanted to know what God is thinking, everything else is mere details....and so it is. It is never too late in life to explore your minds links to creativity Even when we retire from our occupation, we must never retire from life. The secret to retirement is to keep an active mind. I have a friend aged eighty-seven who still enjoys working as a realtor selling apartments. He tells me it makes him feel like a young pup. There are many hobbies we can enjoy and maybe they will make money? Regular exercise will keep us healthy and it also keeps the sex drive in gear. Aging signifies, life is still a joyride to an active mind. Are you now ready to accept success? Just one other point......It is important to note that we will never actual own anything. We only possess what we can take on our eternal journey. We are just renting space and time, so our success is not measured by our bank balance. We live in a materialistic world and to become truly prosperous we need to ascertain that, when we reverse our conditioned minds way of thinking, we find ......( in whatever form our image-creation observes creativity) A Universal spirit guiding us on an authentic life course. What a power-force to guide us and establish an easy way to follow to prosperity. All rights reserved © Michael Levy 2004 About The Author Michael Levy is the author of four books. The latest is "Invest With A Genius" Michael's poetry and essays now grace many web sites, Journals and Magazines. He is a renowned guest speaker on Finance, Wellness and Inspiration. He has appeared on TV in the USA and UK and hundreds of radio stations throughout the world. Please visit his website at http://www.pointoflife.com.
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As the elephant became fully grown, it continued to believe that it could not escape, even though it was easily strong enough. Reach Your Goals - Never Settle For What You Can Currently Imagine Never settle for what you can currently imagine Want To Succeed In Business, Social, Personal Life? Take Good Care Of Your Personal Image Your personal image: It's the most important YOU asset you own. Inoculate Yourself Against Negativity Unfortunately we come into contact with negativity everyday. We can't avoid it. But we do not have to let ourselves be effected by it. So protect yourself from it. Wheres Your Value? The simple action of writing the every day grocery demonstrates how we truly value our lives and inspire future success. Each week, many of us spend 10 to 30 minutes or more writing down the weekly future grocery purchases, clipping coupons and checking advertisements. 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These examples do not inspire me! Whats the Secret of Your Sucess? I'm going to begin this article by sharing a little secret with you? Top Seven Ideas For Success 1. Any work activity, unless initiated at the earliest will not move ahead.Once you begin the work, you will appreciate its scope,likely problems etc.Procrastination and success are inversely related. Marching To A New Beat For our family, the Fall is filled with Friday Night Lights, as our oldest child is a member of her high school marching band. While we certainly enjoy the football team's successes on the field, the process and progress of the marching band really captures our attention. From two-a-day practices in the August heat, to entering the stadium in line to the drummers' beat at each game, to practicing for the always-sold-out Patriotic Game?everything the band director does is designed to build his team into a synchronized unit performing at its highest possible talent level. Build Rapport Through Buzzwords What if I told you that you could be more influential and powerful and all you'll have to remember one simple thing? To persuade your people, all you have to do is: "Cook their favorite meal before they're hungry..." Thinking About Winners Have you ever thought about what makes a superstar? What attributes we admire in our heroes? Do you ever wonder were all the extra ordinary men have gone? Watch the movies that shaped our modern era, the ones which make you think about what it takes to win and what it means to be an American; what do you see? Some of the movies made heroes out of movie stars. First Blood, Rocky, Top Gun, Karate Kid, Vision Quest, Star Wars, etc. People need that, they want to emulate those traits and that success, but realize it does not happen without sacrifice. What happened to Americas driven attitude? We seem to see glimpses of it recently during tragedies; we see heroes, but why stop there? Why Success is a Science My studies of the highly successful prove that they continually achieve their results by doing "certain things in a certain way." I have also found that "like causes produce like effects." Therefore, if you and I consistently employ the same thought processes and actions of these highly-successful individuals, we must produce the same results. This is why success is an absolute science. If you apply the principles (thoughts and actions) of peak performers, you will accelerate your sales and life results far beyond your current level of achievement. Put it to the test. Like A One-Eyed Cat Peeping In A Seafood Store Want to be successful in whatever it is you choose to do? Then you need to be focused--just "like a one-eyed cat peeping in a seafood store!" ![]() |
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