suc·cess: (n.) The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted

An Image Makeover that will Change Your Life Forever

Have you ever met people who exude charm and charisma? They have mysterious power and personal magnetism that is attractive to everyone. Some of their captivating qualities are good manners, poise and a great personality. Charm and charisma are virtually indefinable but can be narrowed down to a number of outstanding characteristics. To make yourself a more captivating person identify the traits you have and develop those you do not have.

1. Humor: The ability to laugh at yourself and life's situations will not only make you a more likeable person but it will also reduce your stress level. Don't take yourself too seriously.

2. Consideration for others: When people know that you are genuinely interested and considerate of their opinions and needs they will be more willing to let you into their world. Nobody likes or appreciates a person who thinks only of himself/herself.

3. Being Approachable: Means being friendly towards people, having a warm smile, a pleasant voice, the ability to make small talk and put people at ease. If you find meeting people and small talk difficult. Practice. Usually it just takes that first step.

4. Empathy: A genuine caring for others that makes you forget yourself. Start by becoming aware of people, their desires and needs. Empathy is a real concern for others that is non-judgmental.

5. Patience and self-discipline: Be patient with others, don't jump to conclusions, lose your temper or say something you will regret later. Before you make a statement or reply to a statement think about what you are going to say and what the consequences will be.

6. Self-Confidence: When you know and are comfortable with yourself, others will see it and want to be in your presence. Self-confidence comes from self-knowledge, being who you are, and liking yourself ? it is not something that can be faked.

7. Character: Having a good character means having traits that people respect and admire. Honesty, fairness, loyalty, tolerance, sincerity are positive traits that are seen in actions and the reactions to people and life. Good character is something that is built and cannot be taken from you.

8. Initiative: This is a quality that employers look for. Employees who show initiative have the ability to do their work with little supervision and can cope with minor incidents.

9. Good Manners: Are the necessary courtesies and considerations that make the people you come in contact with feel noticed and appreciated.

10. Attitude: I can't say enough about having a good attitude. It is the one characteristic that brings a personality to life. People like to be in company of those who feel good and who see the good in life.

Copyright 2005 Sheila Dicks

Sheila Dicks is a Image and Wardrobe consultant who teaches women to dress to suit their body type and look slimmer. You can visit her at and download her ebook Image Makeover and get How to Build a Wardrobe free.

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