Success Attraction suc·cess: (n.) The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted |
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If NASA Can Launch The Space Shuttle, Then You Can Become A Successnaut
The recent mission of the space shuttle Discovery is NASA's first return to space since the Columbia shuttle accident in Feb/03. Why is this important to you? Well, for one thing it reminds me of an old quote you might be familiar with: "If they can put a man on the moon, then..." But, most important it stands for you achieving your goals. If NASA can launch the space shuttle, then you can achieve your goals. Trust me on this, NASA's goals are probably bigger that yours and they are achieving them. Looking at your goals, they should be a piece of cake. NASA knows a thing or 2 about goal setting. They aim for the stars... :) If NASA can launch the space shuttle, then you can set a deadline and keep it. I always like watching the countdown clock as it gets to 0:00:00. Setting deadlines is important because it makes you accountable for results. Imagine you have a countdown timer ticking down for your goals. If NASA can launch the space shuttle, then you can problem solve. Do you think NASA is fantastic at problem solving? Heck, they wrote the book, developed the manual, and put on the training course on how to problem solve. It doesn't matter what size of problem NASA has, they find a solution for it. The recent problem with foam coming off the fuel tank will be solved before the next shuttle flies. What can you take away from NASA's problem solving abilities to help yourself? If NASA can launch the space shuttle, then you can build wealth. Imagine this, there is an instruction manual for every piece of equipment on the shuttle. Now, walk into the business section of any bookstore and you will find a different kind of manual. These are manuals on how to build wealth. Imagine an astronaut has to learn to operate all of the systems and equipment pretty much by memory. He has to know it well enough to do it in the dark. It would be cool if you had that level of commitment to learn how to build your wealth. Yours for success, Click to to get your FREE psychology of success report.
Posture Yourself for a Promotion Sit up straight! You may recall hearing those words as a child. Perhaps a teacher or a parent would utter those words to you on a regular basis. It was so much easier to slouch and perhaps it still is. Your new image, however, begins with how you feel about yourself. Studies have shown there is a direct correlation between your posture and how you think and feel about yourself and your environment. Empowering Other People Everything you will ever have and accomplish in life will be done through other people. Learning to get things done through others is absolutely essential to your happiness and success in life. Your ability to get others to help you and cooperate with you will determine how much you get done and how high you rise in everything you set out to accomplish. Your ability to enlist the knowledge, energy, and resources of others will enable you to leverage yourself so that you can accomplish far more than the average person and in a far shorter period of time. Modelling Your Way to Success The fastest way to succeeding in anything, be it online or other areas of your life, is to MODEL those that are already achieving success in what they do. Emerging As Winners! People like to emerge as winners by hook or crook and this is what one gets landed up in. It is human nature to desire to become rich, powerful, popular and famous always and forever. On the surface, it appears that we are competing with everyone else in this world and running a never-ending rat race. It is natural for all human beings to desire and work for wealth, power and prestige. Jesus Christ and Buddha and many others emerged as winners in the sense their preachings enriched people in the spiritual sense. People like Bill Gates or Jamshedji Tata, Godraj emerged as winners because they established business which catered to the needs of others. True Success is Generous "Write checks on a regular basis to those who you want to bless, not those who you owe. Be generous. If you are thinking of one amount, raise it a bit. They'll be glad now. You'll be glad now and later." Chris Widener in the ABC's of Success. Don?t Throw the Baby Out with the Bath Water Whenever we have a bad experience or we own up to having a weakness people immediately jump on the band wagon and tell us to work with our weaknesses. "Focus on them until you have overcome them and then you can move on". Lessons from My Garden What does "Lessons from My Garden" have to do with "getting organized? One of the things I've learned after 20+ years as an organizing consultant is that organizing has something to do with everything! Measuring Success As I have worked with people over the years I have seen an amazing thing. People often get frustrated because they aren't achieving "success." There are lots of possible reasons for this but one reason I have found that sticks out is that many people allow their definition of "Success" to be driven by someone or something else. Achieving Success with Authentic Joy: 12 Reflections Success begins with a personal dream that is bigger than the dreamer is. There is success achieved through sheer force of will and success that brings peace of mind and authentic joy. Achievements that create a better world bring authentic joy to the achiever. Success Through The Eyes Of A Child Adults, with eyes to see, can learn so much about success in life from children. Identity Theft - Defining Who We Are Identity theft! What if You Fed Your Mind as Often as You Feed Your Stomach? Many people consider reading books a waste of time. It is just so easy to switch on the television, put the brain into neutral and accept everything that is shown to you. Some even boast that they have not read a single book since they have left school. That is definitely something that I would not be proud to admit. The Secret Behind All Great Masterpieces: Lessons Learned! The ten-year period which followed the stock market crash of October 1929 is referred to as the Great Depression. This time frame is considered to be the worst and most difficult of Modern American History by business historians. Unemployment was as high as 27% among White Americans and reached 60% in the African American community. In Mississippi, on a single day in 1932, one quarter of the entire state was auctioned off. Scarcity and limitations were everywhere to be seen. The Gross National Product of the country, that unit of measurement which represents everything that is produced nationwide fell by as much as 43%. The prices of wheat and corn and cotton fell so low, the crops were left to rot in the fields. Many businesses and families were wiped out. Back-Planning For Success Coming up with new dreams and passions can be fun, easy and inspiring - at least until you sit down and begin trying to sort out how to actually accomplish these wild goals. Suddenly, what seemed like such a clear and well-marked path takes on the aspect of an overgrown and thickly brambled wilderness of dangerous, unseen pitfalls and endlessly branching and unmarked trails. It's enough to make you want to crawl back into your boring old life and forget the whole thing ever happened. But let's try something a little different, first, and see if we can't tame that overgrown jungle. Why Questions are so Important for Self Improvement and Success Asking questions is one of the most basic ways that we all learn and grow. The questions we ask other people, and even more importantly, the questions we ask ourselves, can have a dramatic impact on our self improvement, success and happiness. The 2-Word Phrase That Conquers Adversity and Breaks Through Obstacles "All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me. . . . You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. " Walt(er) Elias Disney (1901-66)American animator, showman, film producer Success In An Ever Changing World? Well, it's that time of the year again. No, I don't mean the time of the year when the flowers bloom and the days get longer. What I am referring to is the sound of roaring engines and the waving of green and checkered flags. That's right, it's racing season! ?Defining and Feeling Successful? (However you define success) Formula For Success The Gravitational Pull of ANTs, WORMS & FEARS What is an ANT? Number One Killer Of Could-Have-Been Success Stories Fear. |
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