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Success Attraction suc·cess: (n.) The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted |
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Secret To Getting Anything? | |
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How Important is Your Lemonade Stand?
When my neighbor's child was about 8, he decided that he wanted to lemonade stand. He asked me to help him, which I did. And he was very serious about the whole matter. The stand had to look like a "real store." The "lemonade needed "real" lemons. We had to go to the bank, so that he would have, as he put it, "the appropriate amount of change needed to complete any sale," etc. He had me sign a work contract with him ? made out of crayons ? and tested me on my ability to count out change. (Luckily, he was unaware of business insurance, city permits, and employee benefits!) The stand actually showed a profit (something like $5.00) for the two days it was in operation. The reason why this "money maker" was only in business two days was because my neighbor's child felt that he had achieved his goal, and was now going to "move on to something else." Through this ordeal, I never said a negative word, wise-crack or doubted his sincerity. What fascinated me was that he took the whole project so seriously. When I brought this episode up recently to him (he is now an adult!), he was himself amused at how much that stand meant to him at that time. He was amazed at how seriously he took the whole thing and that he felt that the stand was very important to his life and well-being. He also remembered how overwhelming and insurmountable he thought the obstacles were that he encountered while we created the stand. However, don't we react the same way with our dreams, desires, and goals? Don't we react the same way, with regard to doing many of the things that we are asked or paid to do? Replace the lemonade stand with an upcoming meeting that you have to attend. Perhaps you are taking it very seriously. You have prepared your documents and your presentation to the utmost degree. You haven't taken any calls, returned calls or emails ? because you must not be distracted from this mission. You have spent hours at home putting everything together. You have gone out of your way to create the perfect presentation. Regardless of the problems or obstacles that you have faced at work or home, you have set them aside for this meeting. As the lemonade stand was "very important" to this young child, this meeting is "very important" to your life and well-being. The day of the meeting arrives. You are ready to do your presentation. You deliver your presentation successfully. However, there will be no decision made on your presentation at this time, because the boss has decided to "move on to something else" right now. Another scenario might be that the boss decided to move forward on your ideas. Your ideas are successful and now your boss, and you, will "move on to something else." In either scenario, looking back six months or three months or one month from your meeting, was it really "that" important to your life and well-being? Was that meeting worth irritating fellow employees and/or vendors or customers by not returning their call or emails? Was that meeting worth disrupting your home life? Obviously, the answer is "no." If you even remember the meeting a year later, will you be able to see that all that "seriousness" did nothing but cause anxiety and stress in your life? Take a moment and look at what you feel is so "serious" with regard to your professional and personal life. Ask yourself, "Am I inflating the importance of what I need to do?" "Is it really 'that' important or am I making it appear to be 'that' important?' Some inflate the importance of what they are doing or need to do, because of low self-esteem. We have all met people who take their job too seriously. Yet, do you also do the same thing? When you examine your current "to dos," you will observe that very few, if any, are important to your life and well-being. By releasing this superficial importance, you release stress and anxiety from your life. You begin to flow with life, as opposed to trying to swim against the current. The only true struggle in my young friend's mind was the struggle that he brought on himself. Stuart Wilde wrote a small booklet years ago with a title that says it all, "Life Was Never Meant to be a Struggle." And so be it! Bob Garner is the author of "Masters of Motivation" which has been called a "must read" by business leaders. The creator of a number of CDs that have empowered thousands, Bob writes for numerous business magazines and speaks extensively worldwide on motivation and success. Sign up now for his free monthly newsletter called "Personal Success" at http://www.bobgarner.com
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Create Your Future Through Visualization The best way to predict your future is to create it. All high-achieving men and women take full control of their lives, and if they don't find the opportunities they want , they create them. Informational Interviews: Tips for Success As a work-life and career coach, I regularly work with people who are engaged in a full-blown career change. Typically, this process involves identifying potential "next careers" through a variety of methods, and then seriously exploring them. Informational interviews are a great way to do this, but many career seekers are reluctant to pursue these kinds of conversations because they aren't sure what to ask. Not sure what to ask the professional who's granted you an information interview? Here are some ideas to help you get the most out of your meeting. These questions are based on the assumption that you have sent your resume to this person ahead of the meeting so they have some idea of where you are coming from. Fear Not If You Dont Feel Youre Off To Quite The Blazing Start Youd Like There are those out there who would lead us to believe that if we don't meet with overnight success in our endeavors that we are some how not trying as hard as we can. Achieve the Success You Want: 7 Reasons Why People Dont Change is one of the biggest concepts facing today's society. We are all confronted by how fast the world is changing and how we must change to keep up. We should view change as exciting! Looking for Harvey Weinstein - The Book and the Business Two Immigrants Live The American Dream Think Yourself To Success -- The One Pager Shortcut Series -- Characteristics of Successful People Each human being, who exists above the level of simple survival and therefore has the freedom to think and make choices, has the opportunity to choose to live either a life that is 'on purpose' or by accident. Are You an Emerging Champion? In terms of life success, there are four pretty obvious levels of accomplishment: First is the class of the current winners ? those who have figured out what they what they want, and are taking focused action to attain their goals. Top Seven Ideas For Success 1. Any work activity, unless initiated at the earliest will not move ahead.Once you begin the work, you will appreciate its scope,likely problems etc.Procrastination and success are inversely related. Motivation By Desire Many of us have lost sight of what we really desire in life. We probably need to remind ourselves of the importance of rediscovering our desires and regaining the spark which makes life worthwhile. Are You In It - To Win It? Have you ever heard this? "It isn't whether you win or lose. It is how you play the game." I am sure you have. But do you know who said it? Some guy who came in second place! Success Without Whining About Doing Your Best In the film 'The Rock', Sean Connery takes a dim view of those who claim to be 'doing their best'. He comments grimly: 'Losers always whine about doing their best.' Is he right? This article tries to give an answer. Today I Choose Here is a great way to create affirmations that may be helpful to you. Here's how it works: Success Begins and Ends With You Success is a word that is much used in our society. We probably hear it at least once each day, especially in commercials. It could be said that many of us are spending so much time concerned about success that we do not set things in motion to achieve our own success. One thing is apparent to me, and that is that each individual must determine what success means in their own lives. Those who go through life trying to achieve so-called success by someone's standards or by the advertising industry's standards will always fall short of feeling successful. NORPS I thought this was unbelievable, but it's true. Purpose in Amsall?s Success Mindset Tripod Here are the 3 elements of the "Purpose" leg in Amsall's Success Mindset Tripod ? : The Major Key to Your Better Future is You Of all the things that can have an effect on your future, I believe personal growth is the greatest. We can talk about sales growth, profit growth, asset growth, but all of this probably will not happen without personal growth. It's really the open door to it all. In fact I'd like to have you memorize a most important phrase. Here it is, "The major key to your better future is YOU." Change Your Results by Changing Your Expectations Our expectations get us into a lot of trouble and often cause a lot of stress. We expect our customers to always come back; we expect our boss to behave in a certain way; we expect the company we work for to take care of us; and we expect coworkers to be team players. Hows Work Going? Think how often you see a friend or an acquaintance that you may not have seen for a few weeks or months and the question comes up: "How's work going?" The Dynamics of Competitive Mentality Life is not a competition. ![]() |
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