suc·cess: (n.) The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted

Five Steps To Success!

If you are looking for a surefire strategy to ensure you are moving towards your goals as fast as is possible then it might well be worth your while to take a few minutes and read this article.

Many people have vague notions of succeeding, say they want to be (and do) better, and make all the right noises. Most of us do this. However so many get lost in the masses, flapping and floundering, because they are not applying easy to implement physical and mental actions that, if used regularly and with conviction, can really transform them into that which they most desire.

If you begin to passionately apply the next five steps during your attempts at success in almost any endeavour then you will dragging yourself in their direction quicker than ever!

1. BREATHE - When we're put under pressure we unconsciously develop rapid shallow breathing. Deep breathing can seriously improve our chances of success at these times of pressure, if done properly, while simultaneously improving health.

2. VISUALISE - This can be tied in with number one. However, for now realise this. You have a choice each day whether you concentrate upon past successes or past failures. If you visualise and recall past success you are drawn towards achieving again. Obviously if your most prominent visions are of past failings this is what you will get. Realising this can make a HUGE difference in your attempts at achievement.

3. IN THE ZONE - This is a state where your unconscious controls your actions. Most people have now heard this over-used term and thus it has become something that is just said and yet not regularly applied. Simplified think of getting in the zone as a call to action and a time when procrastination stops! You can't allow your unconscious mind to take over anything if you are not actually regularly doing, or attempting, your chosen task. Don't think, just do it!

4. POSITIVE - This sounds like something that is easy to be but in real terms negative thoughts often are most prominent in peoples minds. You need to develop a 'can and will mentality' whereby you replace pointless negative thoughts with empowering ones that literally blank out the former thoughts. For this to occur you must be aware of when you are thinking negatively and then take action to replace these thoughts with productive ones. This is an on-going process, start today!

5. FOCUS - Do not try to focus on the bigger picture always. Especially when you are in a pressure situation this can spell disaster. Instead, look at small details at the time to help you block out peripheral interference and perform at your best. A good example I read of was tennis players who, when under immense pressure, look at the detail of the ball itself to aid in eliminating disruptive interference at pivotal points in the game.

There you have it!

Initially try to apply just one of these five points and then amalgamate them to really boost your goal achieving potential. For instance, combining keen visualisation with energising deep breathing is an awesome way to do this. As an added bonus the deep breathing will help to improve health also so you will be physically and mentally prepared to achieve whatever it is that is in front of you!

Have at it!

(c) Tim Webb 2005

Tim Webb is a fitness instructor, Ju Jutsu instructor and competitor. He specialises in easily accessible deep breathing exercises that combine breath and mind together. His site offers a product that provides deep breathing exercises for invigorating yourself, relaxing, and highlights how your breath can be tied in with your goals to move you towards them in record time!

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Attracting Success