Success Attraction suc·cess: (n.) The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted |
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The Curse of Success Geniuses
Don't talk to me about how to succeed! I've read success advice and books and articles. They're all?" "What Do You Think I am Going to Say?" "They're all good? They're too good! Why, when I've read just what to do to succeed, I am ready to tell the President to get out, so that I may show the world what real success is." "Those books inspire me! They wind me up like an alarm clock all set for success. They make me dream BIG dreams-and then in a few days, I wake up and start to forget! " You see dreaming of success is not enough, people succeed because they do something? they do something it in a big way." You have probably read that 'do something' advice, but- let me tell you-there's something left out! And, to be honest I don't believe that very successful men actually know just how they succeed. "They're geniuses, and geniuses can do things without knowing how they do them." Let me explain? I can't play the piano, but my wife is a musical genius. She can play any tune she hears. She can play anything I whistle! But she doesn't know HOW she does it, and she can't tell me how she does it, in fact she can not even read music well!" "I believe that a lot of very successful people are success geniuses, and so, isn't it true that they can succeed without knowing just how they do it?" Think of some especially gifted genius you might know, who was able to do some one thing astoundingly well without knowing how he did it. Geniuses are rare. In degree of capacity, they differ from the rest of us, and so, perhaps, eminently successful people - success geniuses - are able to succeed without being conscious of how they do it. So often the advice on success, which we read, comes from these people. But since they are geniuses, perhaps they don't know just what makes them successful any more than the natural born musician knows what makes it possible for him to play any air he hears without having been taught it. I think of my oldest daughter. She is eight and already is very good at playing the piano? like my wife. She's a musical genius. The piano keys do exactly what she wants them to do. She's a genius in playing the piano; but not more then a few weeks ago she asked me? "What does the inside of a piano look like?" She knew exactly what keys to press to make the piano do what she wanted yet she had no idea how the piano made the noise. It would be as wise to trust my yellow lab Titus to repair my piano then to leave it to my friend's daughter. Although my daughter Gayle plays the piano successfully, she knows nothing of the inside parts which determine its action. There's something left out in many of those books we read? You need to know the process of succeeding, and the means to be used. But, first you need to know which factors determine success. "I've been thinking of the advice which the most successful people have given us. They think that the factors which determine success are hard work, enthusiasm, honesty, persistency, and so forth. These are valuable assets, but they are not the determining factors. "Knowledge, for instance, is a valuable asset, but it does not determine success- for there are thousands of men of knowledge who fail. Being industrious is a valuable asset, but not determining factors- for thousands of industrious workers fail to become successful men. We must discover the determining factors first. Then, we'll know the factors which will always insure success-which will always make success certain." What are the factors then? They are: health, good appearance, hard work, enthusiasm, industry, persistence, sincerity, earnestness, self-confidence, concentration, determination, honesty, good memory, self-control, tact, patience, and imagination. Find the rest of the story at ...At Last! You Can Discover Real World Step-by-Step 'Secrets' That Will Get You Noticed and Show You How To Succeed Perfectly - Without Having To Brown Nose or Suck Up to Anyone!
Swotting for Success Not so long ago, I impressed the daylights out of a friend, by showing him his face on my PC's screen. As I tapped away at the minus key, the picture slowly zoomed-out, revealing that it was a picture of the two of us, and it soon became clear where the picture was taken. As I continued to zoom out, more details came into view; the picture was actually a small part of a scanned photograph of the two of us sitting by my desk, watching the monitor. The photo was merely lying on the desk when the high-resolution picture was taken. Achieve the Success You Want: 7 Reasons Why People Dont Change is one of the biggest concepts facing today's society. We are all confronted by how fast the world is changing and how we must change to keep up. We should view change as exciting! Scientific Discovery Reveals How You Can Live Better Forever If you are not experiencing perfect, harmonious, pressure-free life experiences right now, it is because there are some unresolved problems in your world that are preventing it from happening. Simple logic compels the conclusion that if you could somehow resolve these problems, harmony would be restored. Mindfulness and Conversation: Mastering The Art of Small Talk How's the weather there? Living A Life Without Limits The starting point of all great success and achievement is dreaming big dreams. There is nothing more important and nothing works faster. Successful people are able to let go of all their self-imposed limits. They continuously fantasize about the person they want to be, and all the wonderful things they can have and do. That is why all high achieving men and women are far more optimistic, confident, and creative than most people. Are You an Emerging Champion? In terms of life success, there are four pretty obvious levels of accomplishment: First is the class of the current winners ? those who have figured out what they what they want, and are taking focused action to attain their goals. Achieving Success with Authentic Joy: 12 Reflections Success begins with a personal dream that is bigger than the dreamer is. There is success achieved through sheer force of will and success that brings peace of mind and authentic joy. Achievements that create a better world bring authentic joy to the achiever. How Important is Your Lemonade Stand? When my neighbor's child was about 8, he decided that he wanted to lemonade stand. He asked me to help him, which I did. And he was very serious about the whole matter. The stand had to look like a "real store." The "lemonade needed "real" lemons. We had to go to the bank, so that he would have, as he put it, "the appropriate amount of change needed to complete any sale," etc. He had me sign a work contract with him ? made out of crayons ? and tested me on my ability to count out change. (Luckily, he was unaware of business insurance, city permits, and employee benefits!) The Need To Be Successful The need to be successful. This is the bottom line for us all. Deep down we all, you and me, want to be successful. This is why we are attracted to the various 'get rich quick' schemes that appear on the internet and in the newspapers. We are searching for success. This is what drives us beyond our limits. The need to be successful. The Fuel That Drives The Ultimate Lifestyle In a recent article (What is The Ultimate Lifestyle), I talked about the 8 core components that define "The Ultimate Lifestyle." Overcoming The Fear Of Money Many people, it seems, have a fear of money. Does the thought of having a lot of money make you uncomfortable? Cause you anxiety? If so, it may be that you are buying into the myths about money. Myths that are simply untrue. In fact, many of the most common statements about money are often misquoted, wrong, or were made by people who did not understand money ... or had none. Make The Second Half The Best Half Something happens when you come to the intersection called mid-life; you can look back in retrospect and see your life from an entirely different context. For many this mid-life review brings about a sense of urgency that ignites what is formally called "the mid-life crisis". It's where we can trace the effects back to causes that were initiated by our own poor decision, our inattention to important details, our recklessness, our fear, our misplaced priorities, and our ignorance. It can be a pretty bleak experience to really understand, maybe for the first time, that your life really could have been much better if you only knew then what you know now. Ah but there is a subtle sweetness in enduring the emotional upheaval of a mid-life review and that is the fact that you can decide that the second half will be the best half. You can garner the lessons from your past life by taking the knowledge and the wisdom, and leaving the rest behind. You may also experience grief, regret, anger, and blame. Whatever gut-wrenching emotions you feel should be acknowledged and then gently released. You can choose rather you will continue down your current path or if you will choose a new direction for your life. By consciously deciding how you will live the rest of your life, you can create a life that is extraordinary. It's a mighty sweet deal when you think about it but how do you make it happen? Here is a 5-point plan that you can customize and implement in 2 to 5 years that will make the next 40 mean more than you could possibly imagine. Step 1. Create a life vision, not fantasy, that is worth living into that includes personal, professional, and spiritual growth, leveraging your abilities, gifts, and life experiences, contributing to others, having accomplishments that take you beyond lifestyle and status, and building relationships that are life-enhancing. Step 2. Form alliances with those who walk in front of you, beside you, and behind you. There are those who will be teachers and role models in your life, those who will be companions and friends, and those who will be students. Honor each type of relationship for they will all help you advance in life. Step 3. Remove barriers to success by installing new personal qualities, beliefs, habits, skills, and relationships as required. Learn to observe your sticking points, your hot buttons, your negative patterns and work to dismantle them one by one with the understanding that this is a lifetime commitment that requires diligence, patience, and self-care. Step 4. Learn to fan the fires of your own burning desire. Replenish and renew yourself in healthy ways and learn to balance the various aspects of your life so that you are left feeling whole. Step 5. Stay in the game and expect to win. Know that the Universe is on your side and life embraces and supports evolution and you are playing a critical role in your own personal evolution. Why should you expect to spend at least 2 years in this redesign process? Society has programmed us to expect glorified results instantly but upon closer examination, it becomes obvious that the value of a microwave life is commensurate with the investment of time, energy, and resources. The value of life is not just measured by outcomes but also by the process that produces those outcomes. In other words, the joy of living?is living. In 2 to 5 years you will discover aspects of yourself that reveal your true brilliance. You will shed many false perceptions that have restricted and confined you. The rigorous work you will do will be accompanied by a manifold of rewards; expected and unexpected. Of course, it could happen in less time because the time it actually takes is totally dependant on how much you resist change and how willing you are leave the your herded existence behind. You see, a great life is available to the masses but the masses will not forsake their average existence to claim their inheritance. To create an extraordinary life requires that we learn from our mistakes and our victories and continuously reexamine our personal paradigms adjusting them as needed. When you are making the second half the best half, you will find that you will be in a constant state of personal evolution. As you move toward your life's purpose your envisioned life will become the master plan that will guide your life's choices if it has been carefully designed to holistically reflect your individual uniqueness, which is woven into the expression of your values, contributions, and priorities. You Are What You Think You Are Think out of the box, they say. But what's a box? Winning: Defining It - Achieving It If you ask most people whether they would like to be considered a winner or a loser in life, they would most assuredly reply that they would like to be a winner. But this begs the question, "What does it mean to win at life?" In some things it's easy to define a clear winner. In a basketball game, whoever has the most points at the end of the game is the winner. In a game of hearts, my favorite card game, whoever has the least amount of points when one of the players reaches 100 points is the winner. Top 10 Strategies Of Highly Successful Professionals Last Thursday evening, I was the guest of a group of therapists who interviewed me about how I've built my businesses over the years ? both my therapy offices and my coaching business. Their probing, and very pointed, questions dramatically helped me clarify exactly what strategies have worked for me and my clients over the years. I hope you enjoy it. It is as solid and tight a summary of what has worked for me over the years as anything I've ever written. I'm quite proud of it, at least as an accurate reflection of what has worked for me. How Top Performers Use Built-In Technology To Stay On Top Do you ever wonder how some people consistently get what they want out of life and manage to stay on top? They seem to get the best jobs, the best raises, all the recognition -- the best life has to offer. Want Better Outcomes? Check Your Perspectives! In my work with clients, the issue of perspectives comes up quite often. Usually, I have to give my clients a quick refresher on what it is, and why it is pertinent to our discussion. Being good at choosing perspectives is so helpful that I thought it worthy of an article. iPod - The Ultimate Self-Help Tool Wow, what an outrageous claim! Why do I say this? Simple. I believe that listening to self-help audio books, seminars, and yes--you knew I was going to say it--Power Affirmations (even ones you record yourself), is the most powerful way to learn and recondition your thinking. And when you improve your thought habits, your life automagically improves. The Importance of Integrity The single most important quality you can ever develop that will enhance every part of your life, is the value of integrity. Integrity is the core quality of a successful and happy life. Having integrity means being totally honest and truthful in every part of your life. By making the commitment to become a totally honest person, you will be doing more to ensure your success and happiness in life than anything else you can ever do. I Have Failed Before Have you failed before and wished the earth could open up and swallow you?I have failed before, so many times. And I have learned a valuable lesson in the process. |
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