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Success Attraction suc·cess: (n.) The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted |
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Secret To Getting Anything? | |
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Busy Beavers Build Piles Of Sticks
"Well, you're just a busy beaver, aren't you?" You've either heard or used this cliche, but what do you know about beavers? Let me tell you about something I learned. One night on the Discovery Channel, I watched a scientist determine how beavers knew where to put the sticks to build their dams. It's by the sound of water, he discovered. A recording of running water would soon have the beavers busy covering the tape player with sticks. He could get them to build useless piles of sticks anywhere he wanted. What a great metaphor! Aren't we often building useless piles of sticks? We keep busy, responding to whatever drives us, but without doing anything truly productive. My personal favorite is making redundant to-do lists, or adding something already done to my list, just to check it off. Talk about a useless pile of sticks! Efficiency Versus Effectiveness It's worth noting that the beavers were very efficient at piling sticks on tape recorders. It didn't help the dam construction one bit, of course. Efficiency clearly doesn't equal effectiveness, but is it so obvious in our own lives? Sometimes when we look deep enough we find that we are busy building nothing. For example, a man can be efficient at his job, and think he's effective, maybe because sales are up. Then he sees that he doesn't like the job, and isn't building the future he wants. The company may love him, but his effort is producing nothing more than a pile of sticks, as far as he's concerned. Even the tape player gets to be part of this metaphor. Don't we sometimes follow our own internal "tapes," and do useless things as a result? We don't have to though. It's time to take a look at our daily routines. It's time to be an effective beaver instead of a busy beaver. Steve Gillman writes on many self help topics including boosting brainpower, losing weight, meditation, habits of mind, creative problem solving, learning gratitude, generating luck and anything related to self improvement. You'll find more at http://www. Self Improvement Now .com
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What if You Fed Your Mind as Often as You Feed Your Stomach? Many people consider reading books a waste of time. It is just so easy to switch on the television, put the brain into neutral and accept everything that is shown to you. Some even boast that they have not read a single book since they have left school. That is definitely something that I would not be proud to admit. Whats the Secret of Your Sucess? I'm going to begin this article by sharing a little secret with you? Limiting Beliefs - How to Break Through the Barrier Circus trainers used to tie a chain around a baby elephant's ankle to stop it from escaping. The chain would be connected to a tall spike which was hammered deep into the ground. As a baby, the elephant was not strong enough to pull out the spike, and so it learned not to try. As the elephant became fully grown, it continued to believe that it could not escape, even though it was easily strong enough. You Know How, But Do You Know Why? An unexamined life is not worth living ? Socrates Dont Let Conflict Keep You from Success Anytime you are making ground and moving toward success, there will inevitably be the opportunity for conflict. That is just a fact of life. You put two people or more in a group and there is potential for conflict - and conflict, improperly handled, can destroy your ability to continue on and achieve your goals. Take Yourself to the Top! Everybody wants to get to the top, whether it is the top of a career, a company, the earnings scale, or the many other ways that we as individuals can define the "top" in our own lives! But with so many people trying to get to the top, how come so many people aren't moving up? I think there are some fundamental reasons why. Reasons that can be addressed and changed! Opening Your Unlimited Potential It is high time you know the truth about yourselves. You can be whatever you desire, you can do whatever you think or imagine. You have the magic key in your pocket, which opens the door to all your highest dreams and wishes, the key which opens the gates of prosperity and abundance beyond your imagination. What Constitutes a Good Life? The ultimate expression of life is not a paycheck. The ultimate expression of life is not a Mercedes. The ultimate expression of life is not a million dollars or a bank account or a home. Here's the ultimate expression of life in my opinion, and that is living the good life. Here's what we must ask constantly, "What for me would be a good life?" And you have to keep going over and over the list. A list including areas such as spirituality, economics, health, relationships and recreation. What would constitute a good life? I've got a short list. Strategy - Personal and Business Many different daily tasks require a strategic process to be formulated or habitually developed, and then implemented. This can be as simple as at what time you get up and the process you take in getting ready for the day. For example you may wake at 6:00 am, shower and dress at 6:15, drink a cup of coffee and grab a bite to eat at 6:45 and be out of the door by 7:00. Transform Your Fear Into Focus! The greatest deterrent to success in life is fear. It drains our ambition, denies us power, and strangles our ability to overcome the challenges we face in our personal and professional lives. When we let fear control us, we are destined to fail. When we control our fear and channel that energy in productive ways, we win. Change Your Thinking -- Change Your Life! The only thing in life we have direct control over is our thoughts and our thoughts determine how we experience life. Signs Along the Road to Achievement One of the first things most of us remember hearing when learning to drive an automobile was "Keep your hands on the wheel." Then there were other precautions like, "Keep your eyes on the road, drive defensively, buckle up for safety, and watch the road signs!" Becoming a Success Giant! Introduction Smith Could ?C? the Future Frederick W. Smith attended Yale University and wrote a paper on the concept of overnight package delivery. Smith's professor did not agree with his futuristic possibility and only gave Smith a C for the paper. Is Your Life A Minefield ? Why everything has to be so hard? What have I done to deserve such torment and pain? I seems like everything and everyone around me have conspired against me. The Magic of Dreaming The approach of a new year usually causes us to pause, review the year that's passing into history, recount our victories, and consider some of our nagging near misses. What went right? Where did we fall short? Then we move on, looking into the future and formulating our New Year's Resolutions? or maybe not. Many of us have given up after failing to reach the desired ends we stated as resolutions year after year. Can we hope to have a different outcome in the coming year? Yes, we can! Here's how. Building the Minds Framework for Success Man is the most advanced being on this earth. We are the dominant species for one particular reason; our ability to think! Although we have virtually unlimited ability to use our minds effectively, the vast majority of us do not really use the extraordinary powers of the mind for own advantage. Too many of us are slaves of our reactionary minds instead of masters of our proactive, creative minds. What is Success Really? Every single one of us is trying to reach success. (Whatever that is!) Reach Your Goals - Never Settle For What You Can Currently Imagine Never settle for what you can currently imagine Finding Your Purpose What is success? As author and speaker Earl Nightingale said, success is the steady progression toward a worthy ideal. Success is the ability to love, enjoy your work, and have fun in your life. Success is making a difference, a positive difference. Success is making the world a little bit better because you existed. And success begins with purpose. ![]() |
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