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Success Attraction suc·cess: (n.) The achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted |
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Secret To Getting Anything? | |
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Freedom, the Foundation of Your Desires
Freedom is the deeper meaning, the foundation behind all of your desires. When you want more money, what you really want is the freedom to have and to give anything. When you want better relationships, what you desire to experience is the freedom to be yourself, to love and to be loved. When you want a different career, what you want is the freedom to be able to express your unique talents and passions and to fulfill your purpose. When you want improved health and body, you are yearning for the freedom of being happy physically and loving your physical form. This year, add freedom to your list of resolutions. Seek freedom in all areas of your life, and settle for nothing less than absolute and complete freedom to live the life you want to live. Why strive for less than everything? You deserve everything you can imagine and desire. This year, keep your eye on the ball you really want. Review any goals or resolutions you have written and ask yourself, "Is this really an expression of ultimate freedom for me?" Your goals should express your true desires. Aim for heaven and you'll soon enter a new realm of possibilities you couldn't see before. There are many ways to create freedom in your life. The very first step towards freedom is to make the intention to pursue freedom in all areas of your life and settle for nothing less. This is a big commitment to make, but it is important to do so. Once you have aligned your intention with freedom, freedom will be able to come to you. This is an invitation. If you want someone to come to dinner, you must invite them, turn on the lights so they know you're home and then open the door when they arrive. It's pretty unlikely they would come otherwise. The next step is to create a structure for the creation of freedom in your life. Following your intention with action is often necessary to make a tangible shift in your life so you can achieve the freedom you desire. If you don't currently experience unlimited freedom in your life, you have beliefs that are holding you back. By creating a daily structure for the transformation of your existing beliefs, you can shift your belief system so that freedom is allowed into your life. Some of the daily exercises you can implement include visualization, affirmations, journaling and gratitude. 1. Visualization is the use of your mind to picture what you want your life to look like. This is an amazing technique used by Olympic athletes, business executives and many other people to achieve success. By visualizing in your mind what you want, you are actually creating a network in your brain that enables you to create these desires externally. Imagine all five senses when you visualize ? sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. To achieve maximum results, visualize your goals in detail at least twice daily. 2. Affirmations are short sentences describing a goal that you wish to achieve. Affirmations are phrased positively and in the present as if you have already achieved the goal. As an example: My career allows me to express my purpose and my passion. This affirmation is present tense and positive, rather than saying "I want a career that does not suppress my joy and does not pay poorly." Create a list of affirmations customized to your goals and read your affirmations in the morning before you start your day and again right before bed. You can even write affirmations on post-it notes and place them in various frequented places such as your car and your computer. 3. Journaling is a fabulous exercise because it allows you to track your daily progress in the pursuit of freedom. As old beliefs are revealed to you, record them in your journal. When you experience a breakthrough epiphany or have a really terrific day, record it in your journal. You will be able to look back and see patterns in your life, how you dealt with something, how you achieved a particular goal. Journaling is a simple, invaluable tool that will benefit you greatly. 4. Another important step in the creation of freedom is to practice gratitude. Look at ways in which you already experience freedom in your life. As you go about your day, notice all the things you are grateful for ? people, places, things, events, experiences. By law of attraction, when you are aware of being thankful, you will attract more of what you are thankful for to you, as well as more things to be thankful for. Every day, record in your journal at least five things you are grateful for. Soon you will see in your life the positive changes that this simple exercise brings. The bottom line is that you deserve boundless freedom in your life, and you owe it to yourself to pursue it. When you find yourself thinking of settling, gently bring your thoughts back to that which you truly desire. Make sure the steps you take in life are leading you towards the freedom you are searching for. By consistently following freedom, your path will become easier and clearer to you. Make this year about freedom. Think of it as your mantra. Wherever you go, whatever you do, think freedom, freedom, freedom! Think freedom, dream freedom, act with freedom. The more positive focus you place on freedom, the more freedom you will have in your life. Imagine freedom, and it will become your reality. Copyright 2004, Alexia Alderson Chamberlynn Alexia Alderson Chamberlynn is the Co-Owner of Prosperity Power Training, LLC, a national training company specializing in e-learning, life coaching and live group training. To contact Alexia or sign up for free services such as a Free 7-Day Training Program, free monthly newsletter and free quote-of-the-day club, visit the website at http://www.prosperitypowertraining.com. Alexia expects to release her first novel in 2005. Alexia lives in Florida with her son Gareth.
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Throughout the Internet and in the real world, like-minded travelers have joined to form support groups, newsgroups, goal-buddy groups, chat rooms, tele-groups (using conference call telephone bridge lines) coaching groups, and mailing lists (email or snail mail) - just to name a handful of the available support resources - all dedicated to making sure that every member or participant has a real chance to make to their goals a reality. You can find these groups through Internet searches, the "community events" section of your local paper and by word of mouth, and I heartily suggest that you do. The Synchronicity of Success I love the idea of synchronicity. Think of Wealth and Become Wealthy Our thought are magnetic ! Like a magnet we attract circumstances and opportunities. We litterally attract the life we want with our powerful magnetic thought ! 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STOP Trying Harder You've been searching for self improvement or personal development. Trying to increase your self esteem, achieve personal growth, have more happiness in your life ? or perhaps reach an important goal. For Meeting Planners: Organizing Your Office for Less Stress and More Profit If you discovered your speaking career depended on how organized your office was, your reaction could range from complete composure to sheer terror. Even the most successful professional speakers sometimes utter, "Some day I'm really going to get organized," but purging files, organizing computer files, tackling piles of unread journals, or learning a new software program (even one that will help you get organized!), usually gets pushed to the bottom of your list of priorities while you handle today's crisis. Leave a Legacy What do Sam Walton, Ray Kroc, Hilton, Marriot, Firestone, Elvis Presley, The Kennedy's, John Huntsman, and Henry Ford have in common? They have all left a legacy. Think about the Waltons. Even though they slipped a little from last year, they are still going strong on the "Worlds Richest People List" Here is this years list: Belief And Action Succeed For centuries Protestant Christians have argued that you can reach heaven through faith (belief) alone while Roman Catholics have argued that both faith and works are necessary for salvation. However, both groups agree that faith and works are essential in the life of the true Christian. To Succeed Greatly, You Must... (1) Climb up from under the limitations of circumstances and conditions Patient Persistence Pays Off in a Big Way! Energy and persistence conquer all things. - Benjamin Franklin Top 10 Traits of Highly Successful People - That You Can Learn! We have all read about people who are successful briefly. They win a gold medal, make a fortune, or star in one great movie?and then disappear. Or, there are those like Marilyn Monroe and Howard Hughes who achieve extraordinary success, at the cost of their own lives. These examples do not inspire me! Perseverance is the Ability ... "Perseverance allows you to get back on track when you hit a detour." Success is a 6 Letter Word Let me ask you a question? What must happen for you to feel successful? Do you need to be admired by the people that you care most about? Do you need to have financial abundance? And if so how would you know what financial abundance is? 1 million dollars, 2, 100, a billion? Take Care of Yourself to Achieve Maximum Results (part 1) All too often, we push ourselves past the limits of mere mortals, and into the netherland of bad health. We eat wrong, we don't sleep enough, we load up on caffeine, and we don't exercise. Notice I said we; I'm guilty too. I know I need to exercise more, I know I need to eat better, and I definitely know I don't need that fourth cup of coffee. Why do we do it, and what can we do to change our behaviors? ![]() |
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